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Tantra teacher training in spain, india...
Exciting Professional Career Opportunity from ALEGRALUZ ...

A career in living an exceptional life ... from within!

STAND OUT from the rest.
All people dream about having an outstanding career. Many constantly
invest time and money to try and find out what their role in this
life is. This could be the opportunity you have been waiting for.
You know there is more to life than what you live right now. Maybe
this is for you. Today.

The opportunities we offer:
To learn life and professional skills
To gain experience in dealing with profound issues
To start your own business
To learn from the professionals

What you can gain:
Personal spiritual growth beyond your wildest expectations
Being part of a group of extraordinary people
To travel the world and meet a variety of wonderful people
To be the unique person you really are

You may wonder how this is possible:
Free talks
Free coaching
Free orientation session
Free assessment

You may wonder if it is for you:
Are you tired of dreaming about what and how?
Are you labelled as an outsider?
Have you done many jobs in your life?
Are you happy but unfulfilled?
Are you ready for the real powerful you?

How to become a "Living Life from Within" coach:
Write to us
Receive training
Start coaching others


Who we are:
We are Martin and Maria from Alegraluz Tantra International and The
International School of Tantra. We have been training people for more
than 10 years. Our organisation is the only global organisation of
its kind and is the world leader in "Living Life from Within"
training. We are a community and we are here for you.

What is living life from within all about?
It is being clear about who you are, what you have to do in this life
and how to go about it.
Living a live from within is to constantly influence the world around
you in a meaningful way.
It is about living a fulfilled life. Living your life.
When you live life from within you have an abundance of energy and
creativity, surely something that there is a huge demand for.

What is tantra?
It is an ancient set of techniques that hand you opportunities to
re-discover how to live your life from within. It is not a lifestyle,
nor a dogma.
The techniques come neatly wrapped in the form of rituals to make it
easy to digest and use. It is not only about sexuality. It is about
the whole you, all of you. It is also about your greatness that is
the part of you which is greater than understanding.

Read more:
Alegraluz -
Shiva Shakti -

or phone our office: 0034 617 77 92 37

or contact: martin@alegraluz.com
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0034 617 77 92 37
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Номер объявления:   2316
Добавлено:   31 января 2011
Тип объявления:   Предложение
Количество просмотров:   876
Актуально до:   31 июля 2011
Статус объявления:   Обычное
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